How to Get Faster in Soccer: Proven Tips for Explosive Speed

How to Get Faster in Soccer

Speed is the name of the game in soccer. You don’t just need to be fast; you need to be explosive, reactive, and agile in every direction. The faster you can move, the quicker you can close gaps, beat defenders, and make game-changing plays. So, how can you take your speed to the next level?

Improving speed in soccer isn't only about running faster in a straight line. It's about mastering every aspect of movement on the field, from explosive sprints to sharp turns and fast recoveries. Speed training for soccer players is a blend of conditioning, strength, and technique. To truly improve your speed, you need to focus on more than just running; you need to become a faster, smarter player overall.

According to Better Soccer, they explained, “Speed is one of the top qualities college scouts look for if players when being recruited for college soccer, and we’ve found that players who focus on explosive speed training are 25% more likely to catch a recruiter’s attention. In fact, many college programs prioritize fast, dynamic players because of the tactical advantage they bring to the game.” This highlights just how crucial speed development is for those aiming to make it to the next level in soccer.

In this article, we’ll explore the various techniques and training methods that can help you achieve game-changing speed on the field. By implementing these tips, you can gain an edge over your competition, no matter your current level.

Explosive Sprint Training for Soccer

Speed starts with explosive sprints. Soccer players must burst off the line and reach top speed quickly, whether you're chasing down a ball or breaking away from a defender.

Sprinting Techniques:

  1. Focus on form: Good sprinting form improves efficiency. Keep your body upright, engage your core, and pump your arms with power.
  2. Start with acceleration drills: Acceleration is key. Use short bursts of 10-30 meters to train your body to go from 0 to 100 quickly.
  3. High-knee drills: Focus on driving your knees upward to develop strong hip flexors, which are critical for sprinting speed.

Studies show that incorporating short, explosive sprints in training sessions can improve sprint speed by up to 5% over time. That extra burst of speed can make all the difference when you're racing for the ball.

Agility: The Key to Soccer Speed

Speed in soccer isn’t just about running fast in a straight line; it’s about being able to change direction rapidly. Agility is one of the most important aspects of speed for soccer players.

Training Agility:

  • Ladder drills: These help improve footwork and coordination, allowing you to change direction quickly.
  • Cone drills: Set up cones in different patterns and practice weaving through them to improve your lateral movement and quick turns.
  • Zigzag sprints: Incorporate sharp changes in direction into your sprint training. Focus on staying low to the ground and pushing off the inside foot.

Improving your agility can not only help you outrun defenders but also recover quickly after a sudden movement, keeping you in the game longer.

get faster in soccer

Strength Training for Speed

Building strength is critical to improving speed. The more force you can generate with each step, the faster you’ll go.

Essential Strength Exercises for Soccer Speed:

  • Squats: Build leg power and explosiveness by focusing on full-range squats. Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • Lunges: Strengthen your legs and improve balance with walking lunges. Add weights to increase resistance.
  • Deadlifts: Boost hamstring and glute strength, which are critical for acceleration and overall sprint speed.

Interesting Stat: A study found that soccer players who regularly included strength training in their routine improved their sprint times by up to 6%. Adding just two sessions of strength training per week can lead to noticeable improvements in your speed.

The Importance of Flexibility and Mobility

Speed isn’t just about strength and power—it’s also about flexibility. Tight muscles can slow you down and increase the risk of injury, making flexibility training a must for soccer players.

Key Flexibility Techniques:

  • Dynamic stretching: Always warm up with dynamic stretches like leg swings and high knees to increase blood flow and flexibility.
  • Static stretching: After training, focus on static stretches, particularly for your hamstrings, quads, and calves.
  • Foam rolling: Regularly using a foam roller can help release muscle tightness, improving your range of motion and reducing the risk of injury.

Flexible muscles are faster muscles. Improving your range of motion allows for longer, more powerful strides, leading to faster sprint times.

Soccer-Specific Speed Drills

If you want to get faster on the soccer field, you need to train like you're playing soccer. Incorporating soccer-specific speed drills into your training routine can translate directly to game performance.

Sample Drills:

  • 1v1 Drills: Practice sprinting against a defender, focusing on beating them with pure speed and quick footwork.
  • Overload sprints: Start behind a defender and sprint to close the gap. This improves both your acceleration and game awareness.
  • Ball control sprints: Sprint while controlling the ball at your feet. This drill helps build speed while maintaining control during a game situation.

The best way to improve speed on the field is to train in a way that mirrors real-game situations. These drills sharpen not only your speed but also your game instincts.

how to become faster in soccer

Building Endurance Without Sacrificing Speed

Speed is critical, but soccer is a long game. You need to maintain your speed throughout the full 90 minutes. Endurance training allows you to sustain your bursts of speed throughout the match.

Training for Endurance and Speed:

  • Interval training: Combine sprint intervals with jogging or walking recovery periods. This mimics the stop-start nature of soccer and improves both speed and stamina.
  • Tempo runs: Run at a moderate pace for a longer distance to build aerobic endurance. This helps your body maintain speed over time without burning out.
  • Hill sprints: Sprinting uphill builds leg strength and cardiovascular endurance at the same time.

Balance is key: You want to improve your endurance without sacrificing your speed. Training with a mix of intervals and longer runs can help you strike the right balance.

Closing with Confidence: Speed as a Game-Changer

Speed isn’t just about outrunning your opponent—it’s about timing, precision, and mental sharpness. When you combine explosive power, agility, and endurance, you become a formidable player capable of changing the course of a game in seconds.

Every player can get faster with the right approach. So, are you ready to push yourself to the next level and bring the heat to your next match?